
The view from our window


We’ve been paying attention to what’s been happening in and to higher education for more than three decades.  We’re happy to share our observations, thoughts, and ideas with you.  And we’re eager to hear yours!

What is Higher Education “Higher” Than?

What is Higher Education “Higher” Than?

The language we currently use to describe the space colleges and universities occupy in the larger educational/learning landscape is based on accretion–either along a horizontal axis (“post-secondary education”) or a vertical axis (“higher education”). In the first...

Shared Governance–What’s In A Name?

Shared Governance–What’s In A Name?

Reports of budget, program, and personnel cuts at institutions of higher education almost invariably refer–directly or indirectly–to the issue of shared governance. When faculty leaders address a perceived lack of transparency from the administration, it’s an issue of...

Higher Education and Sustainability

Higher Education and Sustainability

Sustainability is about much more than recycling or turning off the lights… While it is, in an important way, certainly about the physical environment, it’s also about the human, social, economic, and cultural environments. From a systems perspective, sustainability...

Institutional Identity

Institutional Identity

For years, colleges and universities embraced the idea that more is better in their pursuit of trying to be all things to all people. Recent fiscal pressures–driven largely by changes in demographics and attitudes about the “value” of higher education–have pushed many...

Where is your institution looking for partners?

Where is your institution looking for partners?

Announcements that a college or university is closing usually include a reference to an unsuccessful attempt to find a partner who would have allowed the school to continue operating. While many of these schools have simply waited too long to go looking for a partner,...

“Transformation” or just change

“Transformation” or just change

Transformation is everywhere…at least the word “transformation” is everywhere. Unfortunately, too often it's just another, fancier word for change. But real, meaningful transformation is much more than change, no matter how complicated any given change might be. In...

Is Merger and Acquisition Really a Thing?

Is Merger and Acquisition Really a Thing?

Inviting presidents of smaller colleges and universities to webinars, information and conference sessions on mergers and acquisitions is the equivalent of inviting them to learn more about what amounts to “institutional estate planning.” “When your school is no longer...

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