Our Services

What we Do


In higher education, the challeneges are universal, but the best solutions are always local.

Practice Areas

Where We Start

We begin with the understanding that everything is connected.  Seemingly “good” decisions made in isolation can have tremendously negative consequences as their effects ripple across your institution.  Strategic plans need to be driven by strategic thinking.

Strategic Need Assessment

All movement forward needs to be grounded in a clear understanding of our starting place.

Integrated Planning

Aligning the parts allows for greater efficiency and better results.

Strategic Roadmap Development

Strategic planning is not a one-size-fits-all process.  The scope, length, and direction of your plan needs to be specfic to your institution and embraced by your community.

Institutional effectiveness assessment

Your assessment processes should reflect your institution’s culture and values at the same time as they meet the expectations of external stakeholders.


An effective institutional governance system–aligned with your values–helps your community members understand how decisions get made, why those decisions get made, and how they can contribute to strategic and sustainable decision-making.


Our Process

Relationship Building

We don’t assume we know your institution or what it needs.  We don’t have a standard set of offerings to propose.  Instead, we begin by listening, asking questions, and listening some more.  For our work together to be more than just transactional, we need to get to know you.

Opportunity Identification

Getting to know your institution is the first step toward identifying opportunites, whether internal or collaborative, that can advance your mission and success.

Road Map Development

 A good project map will help all stakeholders know where you’re going, why you’re going there, and where you are on the journey.

It also provides an element of consistency in the ever-changing and dynamic world of contemporary higher education.

What we believe

At Sea Glass, we believe that institutions are like people.  They have identities that grow out of their histories, experiences, and interactions with the world.  Like people, institutions need to be listened to if you want to get to know them and to offer relevant, useful, and appropriate advice.

From another angle, today’s institutions are also like sea glass, having been tossed and turned in the ebb and flow of the waves of the comtemporary higher education ocean.  As with people, they need to be appreciated for what they are, not seen merely as broken pieces of some former existence.

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