
About US


More than three decades of work at smaller institutions has convinced us of how important these institutions are.  If they are to continue their important work, we need to think about their future in a different way.

01. Strategic

There are no “ordinary” decisions.  Every decision is a choice which should be contextualized by your strategic goals.  “We’ve always done it that way” is not strategic.  Neither is “we’ve never done it that way.”

02. Partner-centered

Effective partnerships are relational, not transactional.  Identfying partners with common experiences and shared values is essential to long-term and meaningful relationships.

03. Transformational

Transformation is a fundamental reimagining of what we do and how we do it.  It changes the ways we think about ourselves and the ways we act.


People Who’ve Walked in Your Shoes

Jim Dlugos


Driving innovation in small college higher education for more than three decades.

Dr. Jim Dlugos–Bio

Dr. Jim Dlugos–CV

Melissa Dlugos


Two decades plus of leadership from a partner’s perspective.


What We Do

Strategic Planning and Integration

Everyone needs to be on the same page and headed in the same direction.

Human Asset Development

The right people, with the right skills, and empowered to act make all the difference.

Partnership Development

Finding values-aligned partners who understand your experience and are committed to each other’s success.

Shared Services and Programming

Working together with values-aligned partners to address critical institutional needs and advance your mission.

Revenue Diversification

How can a mission-aligned business grow revenue and learning opportunities for your community?

Institutional Asset Identification

What do you have that no one else does?  How can you leverage that advantage?

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